Please make sure you've met the following conditions to earn Take a Survey tokens:
- You waited 48 hours for the tokens to appear
- You qualified for the offer: for some surveys, you must be selected for the full survey to earn tokens
- You completed the survey
- Your device location is accurate: Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or content blocker can keep you from receiving tokens.
If you're still having issues, please contact TapResearch support directly.
How to contact TapResearch:
- Open your Lucky Day app
- Click the menu icon on the top left of your screen
- Click Free Tokens in the left panel
- Click Take a Survey
- Click the Account icon in the top right corner of your screen
- Click the Help tab near the top of your screen
- Complete the form and follow the instructions provided
If you email TapResearch's support team, please check your email's Inbox, Spam, and Junk folders for a response from TapResearch's support team within 48 hours, and they will help resolve your issue!